[A young man is running a hair saloon]

A young man is running a hair saloon

In 2017, his parents enrolled in the SOS Children’s Villages Family Strengthening Program. The project supported young people in families with tuition fees for vocational training of their choice to allow them to transition safely into adulthood.

Telesphore decided to enroll in hairdressing. Upon graduation, SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda gave him a start-up tool kit.

“At the beginning, I only earned Rwf 2,000 per day. Some of my friends discouraged me and told me that business is only for rich people not for me who has nothing. Despite the discouragement, I eagerly continued to work. Today, my business works well, I gain Rwf 7,000 a day and manage to earn around Rwf 60,000 per month exclusive all expenses “, he explained.

Telesphore started diversifying his income. He bought small domestic animals including goats, pigs and chickens. He is financially stable and supports regularly his family with his income.

The family strengthening project in Rukomo sector Gasabo district started in 2017. The overall objective is to improve the living conditions of 300 poor families with 1,200 children and youths.


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