
YouthCan! Labour market integration of young people

Rwanda has a vision to transform the nation to a middle-income country by the year 2050, through NST1 which replaced EDPRS 2. Within priority areas there is to establish Rwanda as globally competitive knowledge-based economy as it is 3rd priority area in NST1. It is through youth and women empowernent, sustainable economic growth and development therefore, that it will be realized in the long-run, as a higher stock of skilled human capital which will trigger more productivity in the economy hence positively impacting the national income.
Nevertheless, according to the Labor Force Survey Trends, August 2021 (Q3) report, the unemployment rate remained relatively higher among females and males (22.2 % and 17.2%) respectively.
Furthermore, the unemployment rate is relatively higher among youth population aged 16 years to 30 years (25.5%) as compared to the unemployment rate among adults aged 31 years and above (14.9%) in Rwanda.
Likely, with the country’s efforts to reduce the unemployment rate, it through creating skilled labor force through education and training, it is indicated that unemployment rate among TVET graduates is 15.4% and 15.7% among university graduates (EICV 6).
This has contributed, to long-term effects of youth unemployment on later labor market outcomes are critical factors in the evaluation of government policies that affect the youth labor market. Indeed, adverse impacts have taken the form of lower levels of human capital, reduced wage rates and weakened labor force participation in the future.
This was worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic consequences which left many young people jobless, especially those who had started working in tourism, agriculture, business, education and others. In addition, there are those who had finished their schooling, who only know the theoretical part of it, which at a big extent contributed to their unemployment.
SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda through the YOUTHCAN PROJECT will empower young people on hands-on and employability skills through registering them in TVET centers, linking them with inspiring entrepreneurs and professional internship institutions, training them on job seeking and creating skills for they get inspired to start up their own micro-income generating activities that will enable them become productive and economically self-reliant citizens.
As a result, the youth with the support of the provided training and starting kits, will financially make a living from their businesses which will improve their wellbeing hence contributing to the national development.

Creating inspirational and internship platforms for the young vulnerable people to be supported to improve their job searching and creating ideas and skills
Young vulnerable people increase their household income and get access to finance through credit and savings with SACCOs
Youth get access to education through which they acquire basic life, technical know-how and employability skills

650 unemployed young vulnerable people (aged 16 to 30)
External partners: SOS Children’s Villages Worldwide/Hermann Gmeiner Fund Germany e.V.
Central level partners: MIGEPROF, MINEDUC, REB, NESA, MINALOC, RDB, UR, RP
Districts: Kayonza, Gicumbi, Nyamagabe, Gasabo


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