[Empowering youth: Key takeaways from the inaugural Joint YouthCan! International Exchange Conference]

Empowering youth: Key takeaways from the inaugural Joint YouthCan! International Exchange Conference

  • On 21–22 August 2024, the first Joint YouthCan! International Exchange Conference took place, marking a significant milestone in the drive to enhance youth employability and labour market integration in Uganda and Rwanda.

This landmark event brought together youth leaders, government officials, corporate partners, civil society organizations (CSOs), and SOS Children’s Villages, demonstrating a united commitment to the future of young people in the region.

Under the theme “Strengthening the Employability and Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Youth,” the conference fostered dynamic dialogue among diverse stakeholders. Supported by the YouthCan! Project, which is implemented in collaboration with Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds Deutschland (HGFD) with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), this event showcased the power of multi-stakeholder partnerships in providing young people with the essential skills and resources for a successful future.

Youth leadership takes centre stage

A standout feature of the conference was the prominent role played by youth leaders, who served as moderators and presenters. This active involvement highlighted the vital importance of youth leadership in shaping the future. Youth champion Vanessa emphasized, "Our voices must be at the forefront of these discussions, as we are the architects of our own future."

The National Director of SOS Children’s Villages Uganda, Hosana Adisu, added: “70% of the Ugandan population comprises children and young people. This highlights the need to develop a strategic focus and collaboration framework for meaningful national economic development.”

Youth representatives from both countries presented issue papers to government officials, outlining the challenges faced by young people. They also proposed some solutions for improving youth employability, such as:

• bridging the gap between youth skills and job market demands
• unlocking youth-led economic potential through collaborative partnerships and an enabling startup environment
• mainstreaming youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET) and special groups for economic participation
• creating an enabling environment for youth to thrive within the informal sector

A collaborative effort for youth empowerment

High-level government officials from Rwanda and Uganda attended the conference, recognizing the project’s successes and pledging to act on the recommendations. Corporate partners and CSOs also expressed strong support, reflecting a broad consensus on the need for collaborative action.

A panel discussion featuring representatives from the Government of Rwanda, DHL Group, Pride Microfinance, Youth Champions, and SOS Children’s Villages underscored the necessity of stronger collaboration between the public and private sectors. With youth unemployment rising across Africa, the panel called for more partners to join the mission to improve youth employability, stressing that "collective action is essential to create lasting impact."

Jean Bosco, National Director of SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda, asserted, “Our continent has more than 60% of young people, meaning that empowering them is the only way to make Africa great.“

A blueprint for the future

The conference concluded with SOS Children’s Villages partners and their allies presenting a comprehensive position paper, outlining the need for ongoing collaboration and offering key recommendations to enhance the partnership’s impact on youth employability and labor market integration.

The inaugural Joint YouthCan! International Exchange Conference was more than just a gathering; it was a pivotal moment in the ongoing journey to empower vulnerable youth in Uganda and Rwanda. The commitments made and the collaborative spirit displayed by all participants signal a promising path forward for young people in the region, as they work together to implement strategies that will shape a brighter future.

Mondo Kyateka, Assistant Commissioner for Youth and Children at the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development in Uganda, concluded: "Your background does not determine your destiny. Leave history behind and fight for a better future. The YouthCan! Project is your key to tapping into opportunities."


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